Story By Kevin Eubanks
The Gift
Stay awake within, this time. See it Through. It's coming. Don't leave. Relax. Quiet. The last one was also beautiful. Overwhelemed me. Opened my eyes before I could blindly see... inside. Not ready to face what I feel is so near. Surrender. Trough I may never wake, not wanting to. The Gift is Bless.
Watercolor 16"x12"
"I've always loved art in all of its forms. Having done theater for more than 10 years; I always enjoyed music and very recently I've incorporated a new passion, painting! It has given me lots of joy on a daily basis, and now I would like to share this with others."
Some of my paintings that you could see in my "Gallery" are inspired by other artists' works or videos, others based on pics from the web, personal photographs or just a product of my imagination. I was also lucky past year to take classes every Saturday with master Gary Tucker, who I've always admired, so you will now find many of those works here.
I was privileged to have the talented Kevin Eubanks getting inspired to writing some amazing stories (under the session 'storypaintings)
Also had the honor of have some of my works selected to be part of 3 Disney Family Museum Exhibits, "The World of Tomorrow" and "A Small World" and "Conserving The Magic of Our Planet"!!